Doggy Stride Thing

Running contacts are becoming more and more common as handlers strive to shave those milliseconds of their round time. The Doggy Stride Thing is used to support your dogs stride pattern when training running contacts on the Dog Walk or A-Frame. They are spring loaded to grip any KC specification Dog Walk or A-Frame, and are fully customizable with colour and wraps. I also offer the Doggy Stride Thing in a range of diameters so you can wean your dog off as your training progresses.

Prices from: £15.00
Doggy Weave Thing
My Doggy Weave Thing is ideal if you want to do some weave training in your garden and you don't have a competition set of metal weaves. Each of my weave poles come with a long spike which can be pushed into the ground and a gauge to ensure you have the correct distance between the poles. They are ideal for training the 2x2 method so you can nail those entries. The beauty of the Doggy Weave Thing is that they are completely portable so you can take them with you wherever you go so you can train your dog in lots of different environments. Each pole comes with a vinyl wrap and can be the standard length, or extended length, whichever you prefer. The Doggy Weave Thing is available in sets of 6 or 12.
6 weaves: From £38.00
12 weaves: From £70.00
Doggy Jump Bump Thing

I often use a Doggy Jump Bump Thing when training Shady to support him with his stride pattern and take off point. It helps him either "get into" the jump or "extend" depending on the jumping sequence. The Doggy Jump Bump Thing is fully customisable with different lengths and coloured wraps available.
Prices from: £8.00
Doggy Box Thing

Quick Bounce - too fast to see!
A good "wait" is very important when training your dog, not only for agility but normal every day life. The Doggy Wait Box helps the dog understand the "wait" position by offering them a boundary to stay within, whether that be in a down, sit or stand, until he/she is released, allowing you to "get in position" ready for your run. It can also be used during non-agility training to help your dog with a "wait" whilst you answer the door, do the cooking or even go to the toilet (alone)!!!!!
The Doggy Box Thing is fully customizable with colour, wraps, sizes (appropriate for your dog) and we also offer it in a range of diameters so you can wean your dog off as your training progresses. Works great with clicker training.
Another great use for the Doggy Box Thing is as a "Bounce Box" where your dog strides in and out of the box in one stride, great for stride regulation and running contact training.